How To Start The Airbnb Business in Kenya

What is an Airbnb?

Are you thinking of starting an Airbnb business in Kenya? Before we dive in let’s understand the Airbnb business better.

An Airbnb is a type of accommodation arrangement where individuals or property owners rent out their homes, apartments, or rooms to guests for short-term stays. The term “Airbnb” is derived from the company Airbnb Inc., which operates as an online marketplace connecting hosts and guests. Hosts list their properties on the platform, providing detailed descriptions, photos, and availability dates. Guests can then browse through the listings, select a suitable property, and book their stay directly through the Airbnb website or mobile app.

Airbnbs offer a unique alternative to traditional hotels and resorts, providing travelers with a more personalized and local experience. The properties available on Airbnb vary widely in terms of size, style, amenities, and location. Guests have the opportunity to stay in a range of accommodations, from cozy apartments in bustling city centers to spacious villas in scenic countryside settings.

Airbnb Interior

The Airbnb business in Kenya has experienced remarkable growth in recent years. From a mere 1,400 listings in 2015, the number of Kenyan properties available on Airbnb has soared to over 10,000 by 2023. 

This surge can be attributed to various factors, including Kenya’s increasing popularity as a tourist destination, the rise of the middle class, and the availability of high-speed internet. However, starting an Airbnb business in Kenya comes with its own set of considerations and challenges.

In this article, we will explore the driving factors behind the growth, the costs involved, the potential profits, risks to be aware of, and essential tips for success.

I. Factors Driving the Growth of the Airbnb Business in Kenya

A. The Increasing Popularity of Kenya as a Tourist Destination

Kenya has emerged as a highly sought-after tourist destination, captivating travelers from all corners of the world with its stunning landscapes, abundant wildlife, and rich cultural heritage. This East African nation has witnessed a surge in popularity, drawing in a multitude of global tourists eager to explore its unique offerings.

crowded area

One notable trend shaping the tourism landscape in Kenya is the growing preference for authentic experiences among visitors. Travelers are no longer content with mere superficial encounters; they yearn to immerse themselves in the local way of life and truly connect with the essence of the destination. In pursuit of this, many tourists have turned to Airbnb accommodations, which provide them with an opportunity to reside in the heart of Kenyan communities.

B. The Rise of the Middle Class in Kenya

The middle class in Kenya is growing, and this has significant implications for the tourism industry. With a rise in disposable income, more Kenyans now have the means to travel. This has led to an increased demand for affordable yet comfortable lodging options.

One popular choice among Kenyan travelers is Airbnb. This platform offers a variety of accommodations that cater to different budgets and preferences. Kenyans are finding value in these options, as they provide a comfortable stay without straining their wallets.

Not only are Kenyans benefiting from Airbnb, but the rise of the middle class has also influenced the demand for alternative accommodations among both domestic and international travelers. As more people have the financial capacity to explore Kenya and beyond, there is a growing need for lodging options that offer affordability and comfort.

C. Availability of High-Speed Internet in Kenya

In Kenya, the availability of high-speed internet has revolutionized the way Airbnb operates and has significantly enhanced the convenience and efficiency of the platform for both guests and hosts.

Reliable internet connectivity has enabled seamless booking and management of Airbnb stays. Guests can easily access listings, browse through detailed descriptions and photos, and compare various accommodation options, all from the comfort of their own homes. With high-speed internet, the process of researching, selecting, and booking an Airbnb stay has become faster and more convenient than ever before.


Furthermore, high-speed internet has facilitated smooth communication between guests and hosts. Guests can easily connect with hosts, ask questions, clarify details, and seek recommendations, all in real-time. This open line of communication allows for a more personalized and tailored experience, ensuring that guests have all the necessary information before their arrival.

For hosts, high-speed internet is essential for managing their listings effectively. They can promptly respond to inquiries, handle reservations, and update availability calendars in a timely manner. This level of efficiency enables hosts to provide better customer service and ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience for their guests.

II. Costs of Starting an Airbnb Business in Kenya

A. Registering and Licensing Your Airbnb Business

If you are planning to start an Airbnb business, it is important to understand the process of registering and licensing your venture. This ensures that you operate your business legally and smoothly, while also complying with local regulations.

Registering and licensing your Airbnb business typically involves certain costs. These costs may include fees for business registration and obtaining the necessary licenses. The specific requirements and fees can vary depending on the location, so it is crucial to research and understand the regulations specific to your area.

Registering your business is the initial step to establishing it as a legal entity. This process usually involves providing basic information about your business, such as its name, address, and ownership structure. It may also require obtaining a tax identification number, which is essential for tax purposes.

In addition to registration, obtaining the necessary licenses is crucial for operating an Airbnb business legally. These licenses ensure that you comply with local laws and regulations related to short-term rentals and hospitality services. Common licenses may include permits for zoning compliance, health and safety regulations, fire safety, and business operation.

By complying with local regulations and obtaining the required licenses, you demonstrate your commitment to operating a legal and responsible Airbnb business. It not only protects you from potential penalties and legal issues but also builds trust among your guests and the local community.

It is important to note that the specific requirements and procedures for registering and licensing an Airbnb business can vary from one location to another. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with local authorities or seek professional guidance to ensure that you meet all the necessary legal obligations for your specific area.

B. Furnishing and Decorating Your Property

Furnishing and decorating your property is an important aspect of setting up your Airbnb business. It not only adds aesthetic appeal but also plays a crucial role in enhancing guest satisfaction. 

The costs involved in furnishing and decorating your property will depend on factors such as the size of your property, the number of rooms, and the desired style. Furnishing a larger property with multiple rooms may require a higher budget compared to a smaller space. Additionally, the style you choose, whether it’s modern, minimalist, or cozy, will influence the cost of furniture and decor items.

When guests choose an Airbnb, they expect a comfortable and welcoming environment. Furnishing your property with quality furniture, comfortable beds, and essential amenities such as lighting, heating, and air conditioning is crucial. Additionally, paying attention to the decor, including artwork, curtains, rugs, and plants, can create a warm and inviting ambiance. Consider adding personal touches like local artwork or cultural elements to make the space more unique and memorable.

C. Marketing Your Property

Marketing your property is crucial for attracting guests and maximizing occupancy. Here are some key points to consider when it comes to marketing your property:

To ensure a steady flow of bookings, it is important to develop and implement effective marketing strategies. By promoting your property in the right way, you can reach a wider audience and capture the attention of potential guests. This includes showcasing the unique features and amenities of your property, highlighting its location and proximity to attractions, and emphasizing the value and benefits guests can experience during their stay.

business marketing

To present your property in the best possible light, investing in professional photography is highly recommended. High-quality images that capture the essence and unique selling points of your property can significantly increase its appeal to potential guests. Additionally, creating an engaging and informative listing on online platforms such as Airbnb, VRBO, or is crucial. This includes writing an enticing description, providing accurate details about the property, and showcasing attractive visuals.

Advertising efforts can also contribute to successful marketing. This may involve online advertising campaigns, social media promotions, or collaborations with local tourism boards or travel influencers. While there may be costs associated with these marketing activities, they can yield positive returns by increasing the visibility of your property and attracting a larger pool of potential guests.

It’s important to continually monitor the performance of your marketing efforts and make adjustments as needed. Analyzing booking patterns, tracking guest feedback and reviews, and staying updated on industry trends can help you refine your marketing strategies and improve the overall guest experience.

By implementing effective marketing strategies, you can attract more guests, maximize occupancy rates, and ultimately achieve greater success with your Airbnb business. Remember, investing time and resources in marketing your property can yield significant benefits and contribute to long-term success in the competitive vacation rental market.

III. Potential Profits and Risks in the Airbnb Business in Kenya

A. Potential Profits

It’s important to note that the potential profits in the Airbnb business are influenced by various factors, including the location, quality of the property, competition, and market conditions. Conducting thorough research, monitoring market trends, and staying informed about the preferences and needs of your target audience can help you make informed decisions to maximize your earnings.

Ultimately, by providing a great guest experience, maintaining competitive pricing, capitalizing on high-demand periods, and targeting niche markets, you can unlock the potential for significant profits in the Airbnb business in Kenya.

B. Risks to Consider

It’s important to carefully assess and manage these risks when starting and operating an Airbnb business. By implementing measures to protect your property, focusing on providing excellent customer service, and staying informed about regulatory requirements, you can minimize the impact of potential risks and increase the likelihood of a successful and sustainable Airbnb venture.

IV. Tips for Starting an Airbnb Business in Kenya

A. Choose a Property in a Desirable Location

Consider factors such as safety, accessibility, and the overall neighborhood ambiance when choosing a location for your Airbnb property. It’s also important to research the local market, analyze competition, and understand the preferences and needs of your target audience. This will help you make an informed decision and select a property that aligns with the interests and expectations of potential guests.

marketing team

Remember, the location of your property plays a significant role in attracting guests and maximizing occupancy. By choosing a property in a desirable location, you can capitalize on the demand generated by nearby tourist attractions, business districts, or other points of interest, ultimately increasing the success and profitability of your Airbnb business.

B. Ensure Cleanliness and Maintenance

Regular inspections and scheduled maintenance routines can help identify and prevent potential issues before they impact the guest experience. Additionally, establishing clear house rules and guidelines for guests regarding cleanliness and maintenance expectations can help maintain the condition of your property.

By prioritizing cleanliness and regular maintenance, you create a welcoming and comfortable environment for guests. Providing professional cleaning services and promptly addressing maintenance needs ensure that guests have a pleasant and hassle-free stay. This attention to cleanliness and maintenance contributes to positive reviews, repeat bookings, and the overall success of your Airbnb business.

C. Provide High-Quality Amenities and Services

Regularly assess the amenities and services you provide and consider guest feedback to identify areas for improvement. Stay updated with trends and guest preferences to offer relevant and desired amenities. Engage with guests during their stay and be responsive to their needs and inquiries, ensuring a positive and memorable experience.

Remember, high-quality amenities and services contribute to guest satisfaction, positive reviews, and ultimately, the success of your Airbnb business. By focusing on enhancing the guest experience through comfortable amenities and personalized touches, you can create a welcoming and enjoyable environment that encourages repeat bookings and positive word-of-mouth.

D. Effective Property Marketing

Regularly monitor and update your marketing strategies based on guest feedback, market trends, and performance metrics. Stay active on social media, engage with potential guests, and respond promptly to inquiries and messages. Consider running targeted online advertising campaigns to reach specific demographics or niche markets.

Airbnb living room

By effectively marketing your property through various channels, highlighting its unique features, showcasing professional photos, and sharing positive guest testimonials, you can increase your property’s visibility, attract a larger audience, and ultimately secure more bookings. A strong marketing strategy coupled with an exceptional guest experience will contribute to the success and profitability of your Airbnb business.

E. Responsive Communication

Utilize Airbnb’s messaging platform or other communication channels to stay connected with guests. Set clear expectations regarding response times and availability to manage guest’s expectations. Personalize your communication by addressing guests by name and being attentive to their specific needs.

cozy bedroom

Remember, responsive communication is a key component of providing excellent customer service. By responding promptly to inquiries, providing accurate information, and addressing concerns effectively, you can build trust, enhance guest satisfaction, and foster positive reviews and recommendations.

Efficient and effective communication contributes to the overall success and reputation of your Airbnb business, and it helps create a positive and memorable experience for your guests.


The Airbnb business in Kenya presents an exciting and profitable opportunity for aspiring hosts. The remarkable growth of the industry, driven by Kenya’s popularity as a tourist destination, the rise of the middle class, and the availability of high-speed internet, is a testament to its potential. 

However, it is crucial to consider the costs involved, be aware of the associated risks, and navigate evolving regulations. By selecting a desirable property, maintaining high standards, providing quality amenities and services, implementing effective marketing strategies, and maintaining open communication, hosts can increase their chances of success in the thriving Airbnb business in Kenya.

Embark on your Airbnb journey in Kenya today and unlock the immense potential of this burgeoning industry!

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