7 Reasons Why Your Phone Is Overheating and How to Fix It
In this blog post, we will reveal one of the secrets of smartphone and tablet batteries. We will answer the question about why your phone gets so hot sometimes and what you can do about it.
After all, even in the summer, if you have a smartphone or a tablet, you may feel that it is hot. Or maybe it is hot in other seasons as well?
The reasons for the heat range from hardware to software issues. However, we will try to figure out what really causes your phone to get so hot. And what can be done about it.
This information will also help you understand whether your device has some problem or not and whether you need to visit the service center or not.
Common Reasons Why Mobile Phones Overheat
1). Excessive Smartphone Usage Can Overheat A Mobile Phone
The first reason why your phone gets hot is the use of the device. If you use your smartphone or tablet too much, it will get hot. The reasons for that are pretty obvious.
It all starts with the fact that when we use our smartphones, we create certain processes that require a lot of energy. Processes like watching videos, playing games, surfing the web, or listening to music all require a lot of power and thus heat up our devices.
In addition, some applications may also be responsible for overheating and you should try to avoid them as much as possible. For example:
When you download a video from YouTube and watch it on your device, this process requires a lot of power and will make your device get hot quickly; When you run applications in the background without closing them properly, they will continue to run in the background and will consume more energy; Leaving apps in the background drains battery life faster.
2). The Use Of Unoriginal Charger Can Overheat Your Phone
The second reason why your phone gets hot is the use of an unoriginal charger. Many people use chargers that are not compatible with their devices and it can be a big problem.
The reason for this is very simple:
When you charge your smartphone with a charger that is not compatible, there will be problems in the charging process and it will heat up your device. A good example of this is when you charge your smartphone with a tablet charger or computer charger. If you do so, your phone will get hot quickly because of the low power from the wrong adapter.
3). The Use Of An Unoriginal Battery Can Overheat Your Phone
The third reason why your phone gets hot is the use of an unoriginal battery. This happens because some manufacturers use cheap batteries from other companies that are not compatible with their devices and they can cause overheating problems for users.
If you have an unoriginal battery, it’s probably because you bought a fake smartphone that is using a cheap Chinese battery. This can be the cause of your problems.
4). Poor Quality Apps And Games Can Overheat Your Phone
The fourth reason why your phone gets hot is because of poor-quality apps and games. When you install these apps on your device, they are running in the background and they use more resources than they should.
The result?
Your phone will get hot quickly and it will drain your battery life faster than usual. If you want to fix this problem, you need to remove these apps from your device or uninstall them completely if possible.
5). Buggy Software Update Or Malware Can Cause Mobile Phone Overheating
The fifth reason why your phone gets hot is because of poor quality software. Manufacturers can release updates that contain bugs and malware which is not compatible with your device.
If you want to avoid this problem, you need to be careful when downloading software updates and install them only if they are compatible with your device.
6). Apps That Use GPS Can Overheat Your Phone
The sixth reason why your phone gets hot is that some apps use GPS in the background without you knowing it. These applications are running and using more resources than they should which causes your phone to get hot.
If you want to fix this problem, you need to uninstall these apps from your device or at least turnoff GPS if you don’t need it. You can do that by going to Settings > Privacy and Location > Location Services and turning off “GPS” and “Location-Based Services”.
7). Using Your Phone While It’s Charging Can Overheat It
The seventh reason why your phone gets hot is that it’s charging. Most of the time, a mobile phone will charge slowly so when you use it while it’s charging, its battery life will drain faster than usual which causes your phone to get hot.
If you want to fix this problem, make sure that your device is charging while in sleep mode or that the screen is turned off.
How To Cool Down Overheating Mobile Phone?
Your smartphone is overheating for a few reasons. The most common reason is that the device has a problem with its hardware. It may be because of a faulty battery, faulty hardware, or even software issues.
Most of the time, if your phone is overheating, it means that the device has some hardware issue that needs to be fixed.
Either way, consider the following to cool down your phone:
a). Take a break from frequent gaming.
We all know that your phone gets hot when you use it for a long time. However, this does not mean that you should play games continuously.
Playing games for a long time will cause the device to overheat and you will damage it.
You can always take a break from playing games to cool down your device.
b). Try using some apps that are designed to cool down your phone.
There are many apps designed to cool down your devices, such as Coolpad Cooler, or even Cool fan.
These apps will help you cool down your phone, but they may not work perfectly.
You can always try to use these apps and see which one works best for you.
c). Avoid bulky phone cases.
If you have a bulky phone case, it can cause the device to overheat.
This is because the case will block some air from reaching the device and can cause it to heat up.
Consider using a slim phone case so that your device does not overheat.
d). Use a phone charger with a protective cover.
A phone charger without a protective cover can damage your device as well as its battery.
When using a phone charger without a protective cover, take extra care so that you do not damage your device or its battery.
If you find that the battery of your smartphone is dead, consider buying one and using it to charge another smartphone instead of using an old one again.
e). Always use the right charger for your device.
If you are using a smartphone, it is important that you use the right charger for it.
Use an adapter or a USB cable that is compatible with the port of your phone and the charger to charge it.
g). Avoid long-term charging.
This means that you should not charge your phone for more than 24 hours.
If you do so, it will damage its battery and it will not last long.
Charge your phone for a maximum of 24 hours before replacing it with another one.
h). Keep your device clean and dry.
A dirty phone can cause the device to overheat, which is why you should make sure that you keep it clean and dry at all times.
i). Do not use your smartphone while charging.
A smartphone can overheat if you use it while charging.