How To Pick The Best Website Experts in Kenya

How do you find the best website experts in Kenya (designers)? 

It’s a difficult task, as every designer will claim to be the best. But how can you tell? 

There are so many factors to consider, and with so much misinformation on the Internet, it can be hard to know what’s true. 

That is why I compiled this list of 10 points that should help anyone looking for reliable advice when choosing their next web design company. 

1). Be careful about relying solely on reviews 

Be careful about relying solely on reviews – bad reviews don’t necessarily mean they’re not good at what they do; some just have an axe to grind or never got their work done in a timely manner. 

Rather than going off of customer reviews alone, make sure your potential designers provide testimonials from other clients.

2).  It is not just about price 

You can find cheap web designers everywhere, but this doesn’t mean they’re any good. 

There are plenty of high-profile companies that have a hefty price tag attached to their services because they offer the best service and value around. 

Don’t shy away from them if you really want quality work done on time for a fair price!

3). Make sure they are a part of a good organization 

You should always try to find out if your potential designer is certified with the Better Business Bureau and ideally, has some sort of accreditation from other organizations. 

This will reassure you that they’re reliable enough for your business needs.

4). Look for testimonials

Ask your web designer’s past clients if they are happy with the work done and take a look at their website to see whether or not there are any reviews posted.

If you don’t find any, this could be a red flag that they aren’t very transparent about what they’re doing.

5). Don’t expect to find everything on their website

If your potential designer is any good, they will be very busy and won’t have time for a flashy (or even plain) website. 

However, it should still contain all the information you need about who they are and what services they offer; if not, this could mean there’s something being hidden or that quality isn’t as high as it should be.

6). Don’t sacrifice quality for price 

If a web designer is too cheap, it could mean they are cutting corners and skimping on important things like code optimization or industry-standard design. 

However, don’t go overboard with this either as you might find yourself paying through the nose for an overpriced website that won’t get any hits due to poor SEO.

Questions to ask before hiring website experts in Kenya

What factors do you consider when choosing the best website experts in Kenya? 

It’s a complicated decision because every website owner wants their site to look great while having it function properly. 

There are so many things to take into consideration: price, speed, reliability… but how can anyone make an informed choice without doing their own research first? 

Here are my top tips on what questions to ask before hiring someone!

a). What kind of research will you do on our business?

The best web design companies conduct extensive market research about their clients. 

They should be conducting keyword and audience analysis, as well as competitor reviews to determine the most effective path forward for your website’s success!

b). Do you offer other services other than web design?

A good designer should be able to provide a full range of digital marketing and business consulting

If their website is only about creating websites, it might mean they aren’t as committed to the success of your business!

c). What are your rates? 

Every designer sets their own. 

It’s important to know what you’re looking for before asking this question. Whether it be hourly or project-based, having clarity on the budget is essential when building a relationship with your web designer and will help them provide better work in return.

d). How many revisions do I get? 

Some website experts in Kenya want to start right away and immediately begin designing after receiving content from clients.

Others believe that they need more information about the client’s goals to create an effective design – which could mean several rounds of revision requests during the process of creating a website. 

This may not always be up-front but should be agreed upon before beginning any final stages (or drafts).

If you have to pay for multiple revisions but the designer has met all other deadlines it may be worth looking elsewhere.

e). Will you help me with SEO? 

Search engine optimization is a great way to get your site found on Google and attract more visitors with minimal effort, however hiring someone who specializes in this requires additional time and money that not everyone can afford or wants to invest. 

If you want some advice from your web developer about how they could improve the searchability of your website ask them if they will do so before signing anything – sometimes SEO development comes after the initial design process but there are also companies that offer full-service websites including both back-end functionality as well as high ranking features like social media integration (most common) or blog posts.

f). What kind of design do you recommend for my industry? 

Different industries require different web designs and your website experts in Kenya should have a good sense of what works well in your field. 

If they are able to provide examples that match the type of site you’re looking for, this is an excellent sign – even if their previous work doesn’t seem like something that will fit with your company’s brand or niche it can be helpful as long as they know why certain decisions were made when designing those sites.

g). How do design & development work together? 

The front and back-end of a website are different parts but they need to be designed as one whole piece. 

It should always be clear how the two interact with each other so that future updates can take place without having to contact the designer every time something is changed (like uploading images). 

If it seems like there is no communication between these departments then this may be an indication that changes will cost more money than originally stated during negotiations.

Sometimes people don’t realize just how much effort goes into making simple changes which can lead to disputes during the process and even end up costing more.

h). What is your design process?

Ask your web designer in Kenya if they have a documented design process or use project management software. 

If they do, it’s a strong sign they have solid experience and will lead you through the entire web design and development process from start to finish like a pro.  

Find a designer/project manager who will keep you on task, on budget, and launched by your scheduled date!

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