Can Laptops Cause Cancer in Kenya?

Can Laptops Cause Cancer in Kenya?

Can laptops cause cancer in Kenya? The article is about whether or not laptops can cause cancer.  It mentions that the World Health Organization has classified radiofrequency as a possible carcinogen and warns against children using cell phones, saying there’s potential for long-term effects like an increased risk of brain tumors if they use them…

How To Check Laptop Specs

How To Check Laptop Specs

Here is a guide on how to check laptop specs. There are very several ways to find the specs of your laptop. And in most cases, they vary depending on the type of OS you are using. Try any of the following methods and see which one works for you. How To Check Laptop Specs…

How Can I Prevent Laptop Theft

How Can I Prevent Laptop Theft?

Laptop theft is a serious problem that affects thousands of people every year.  While there is no guaranteed way to prevent your laptop from being stolen, there are some steps you can take to greatly reduce the chances of it happening.  By keeping your laptop in a secure location when not in use, using security…