Can Laptops Cause Cancer in Kenya?
Can laptops cause cancer in Kenya?
The article is about whether or not laptops can cause cancer.
It mentions that the World Health Organization has classified radiofrequency as a possible carcinogen and warns against children using cell phones, saying there’s potential for long-term effects like an increased risk of brain tumors if they use them before age 20.
However, it says that “a 2011 study by Swedish researchers found no conclusive evidence to support links between heavy mobile phone use (like on your laptop) and any form of cancer.
They do say more research needs to be done though.
As mentioned above, there is no conclusive evidence linking heavy mobile phone use with any form of cancer.
However, more research needs to be done before we know if this link exists.
Laptops are often used in situations where radiation exposure may occur; such as carrying around in backpacks or being on a crowded bus.
Some studies have shown that exposure to radiation from laptops and other wireless devices can increase the risk of certain types of cancers.
But these findings need further investigation before conclusions should be drawn.
“More research” means study the risks of cancer from radiation and other sources in order to determine if there is a connection between laptops and other wireless devices with increased risk for certain types of cancers.
The problem lies within how we use them- for an extended period each day, far too close to our bodies and heads (especially when it comes to children).
The primary concern seems like people who sit all day long using their laptop or phone without taking breaks so they can move around at least periodically.
They continue talking on the phone while sitting down which often leads to poor posture/sitting habits rather than moving around as intended throughout the day.
Can laptops affect your genitals?
In a study of laptop use by over 1100 participants, men who used laptops more than four hours per day had lower sperm counts and higher rates of DNA damage to their sperm.
The heat generated from your laptop might also affect male fertility — one study found that prolonged periods near hot devices can lead to an increased scrotal temperature which may be associated with reduced semen quality.
See, Laptops emit more radiation when they’re plugged in, but even unplugged or battery-powered devices can produce electromagnetic fields.
These also carry energy waves and may cause harm if positioned too close to sensitive areas like reproductive organs.
The amount of radiation emitted by your laptop depends on how close you are to it.
Ways To Protect Yourself:
- When you’re using your computer on an office desk or table (or any flat surface), try not placing it directly against any part of your body as this will increase exposure to electromagnetic fields in certain parts of the body like reproductive organs and/or breasts.
- If possible, keep all cords and wires as far away from your body as possible to avoid exposure.
- If you’re using a laptop on the couch, bed, or any other soft surface, be sure to keep it at least one inch away from anything that’s touching the ground and/or below – this will help protect yourself against electric fields (see more about EMFs).
How to use the laptop the right way

- Use your laptop with an ergonomic keyboard and mouse, or get a stand to do so.
- Don’t expose yourself to blue light – make sure the screen is set on “night mode” for at least two hours before sleep, and turn it off completely one hour before bedtime.
- If you must look at screens during that time limit (for example if you have insomnia), then try using yellow glasses like Blur Guard lenses.
- Don’t use your laptop after sundown because the production of melatonin, when exposed to blue light from electronics, can interrupt sleepy feelings in the evening and cause problems getting quality restful sleep.
- Remember to take breaks every 20 minutes while working on laptops/computers and look away from the screen for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid working in bed because it can make falling asleep more difficult.
- Never put your laptop on your lap while typing – it’s bad for circulation and causes strain on the spine.
You should always follow ergonomic principles when using a computer or tablet.
- Find an adjustable desk that allows you to work comfortably without pain
- Adjust keyboard height so wrists are straight, shoulders relaxed, hips level (keyboard too high try raising feet)
- Find ways to support arms by resting them against armrests or placing hands over elbows of other arms.
- Set up the screen at eye level and make sure it reflects light well to avoid eyestrain.
The best solution is to get a laptop stand in Kenya.
Can laptops cause cancer? It seems we’re not too sure yet!
We just know they emit electromagnetic waves which are known carriers of ionizing radiation.
It’s best to minimize exposure and use the laptop as little as possible.
But if you’re going to be on your computer for long periods of time it’s advisable that you take precautions like;
- Using an external mouse and/or keyboard
- Turning off Wi-Fi when not in use
- Or purchasing a wireless monitor which emits significantly less radiation than a traditional LCD screen.